Capturing Your Birth

Did you miss documenting your first babies birth????

Although I birthed my baby with no medical assistance, there was someone else at the birth, besides Benji. A Photographer and now dear friend called Talitha.

I am absolutely so passionate about birth that I wanted to see from the outside what my own birth looked like, and knowing that I would go deep into the trance of labour, I wanted to see each moment in detail once I had completed my journey.

A big part of me knew that this was a ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME moment....a chance that would never happen again....

I've heard of so many women regretting this, regretting not capturing this absolutely life-changing moment, the moment their baby first comes Earthside, and I did not want to regret it too . .

And so I called Talitha to capture these precious moments and I will never regret this choice.

Sometimes people think birth photography sounds a bit odd..... Photos of a baby coming out a vagina!!???. But it's so much more than that.

It is the story of your journey to Motherhood.

It is the precious moments between Birthing Mama and Partner,

It is the support and connection that is shared,

It is the physical occurrences.

It is capturing the magic of the first time meeting one of the loves of your life!

The day your child comes into the world, it changes everything. You feel the weight of their warm body against yours and kiss that damp, fuzzy head. Where words fail to capture the depth of this moment, an artful photograph preserves all the emotion of your first minutes together.

You grew this baby. You birthed this baby. Birth photography provides evidence of your incredible strength and power.

Did you have your birth Photographed?


You can recieve your own baby.


Vocal Expression During Labour